Is Working with a Real Estate Professional the Right Choice for You?

Have You Wondered If Selling You Home Fore Sale By Owner (FSBO) Would Be Worth It?
At first, the notion of saving some money on the sale of your home sounds intriguing, but before you decide to go down that path, here are some things you may want to consider:
• Did you know that 71% of all real estate litigation comes as a result of one party not being represented in a real estate transaction. For Sale by Owner (FSBO), sellers get sued more than any other group in real estate and that could end up costing far more than hiring a real estate professional in the first place.
• That Statistics show that For Sale by Owner (FSBO) sellers are successful at selling about 14% of the time. However, out of that percentage, 7% sold to someone they already knew.
• According to the National Association of Realtors, a real estate professional can get the seller a 10% to 13% higher price for their home on average over someone trying to sell themselves.
• In the long run, working with a professional can actually save you money, especially if litigation were to ensue after the sale if the FSBO wasn’t absolutely diligent in working within the State’s real estate laws throughout the transaction and sale of the property.
For more information regarding For Sale By Owner (FSBO) click on the article, Is Selling FSBO Worth It? – or reach out and together, we can talk about whether working with a professional is the right decision for YOU.
Shannon Cole, Broker – Quora Realty
c: 850.238.1138