2829 Fairmont Drive, Panama City, FL 32405 (Cancelled)

Quora Realty

Quora Realty

Quora Realty

8128 Front Beach Rd, STE D
Panama City Beach, FL, 32407
United States
(850) 238-1138



When taking on the responsibility of listing a home there are MANY factors that need to be considered. First and foremost, for me, is always: Is this in the best interest of the parties involved?

Most times the answer is a simple, yes. Sometimes the answer is not so simple.

Life has been hard for many people in the past years for MANY reasons and it has been tough not to fall behind. But when you’ve fallen so behind and you are faced with the realization of foreclosure or impending short sale of your home and THE VERY real possibility of being left homeless, every breath can feel beyond overwhelming and utterly hopeless. Having worked as a real estate paralegal for may years before my journey to becoming Real Estate Broker. Because of this I have had the opportunity to work with many clients/customers/sellers who have found themselves in this situation and have a unique ability that many other agents just do not possess.

First and foremost my job is always to alleviate as much of that burden as I can by providing all the options necessary and setting up for successful processes, no matter the decision made now, or in the future. Whether the goal is to sell a home due to a foreclosure notice, or the bank has reached the point of allowing a short sale, I am here to provide options and a team of skilled professionals that are ready to assist in achieving the best outcome for each individual circumstance.

I may be a Real Estate Broker and professional, and yes that means this is my job, what I do for a living needs to ensure my family is taken care of. BUT, I am also a compassionate human being and there are times where I am able to do something for someone that does not bring me any monetary compensation and instead leaves me feeling fulfilled, knowing that I was a part of KEEPING SOMEONE IN THEIR HOME or assisting them in moving forward in a way that is right for them and giving them back their peace of mind. – In this instance I was able to be a part of this person keeping their home – and THAT is PRICELESS!!

If you, or someone you know, is struggling please feel free to give me a call to chat about your options and how I can help. No one should struggle with this burden alone.

You have Questions; We have Answers! Click on the link for more info and call Quora Realty TODAY to let us know how we can help YOU!

💃 Shannon R. Cole, Broker/Owner
🏡 Quora Realty
📧 quorarealty@gmail.com
🔗 https://shannoncole.myagent.site/

#quorarealty #youhavequestionswehaveanswers #quoraisheretohelp

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